September 18, 2020
Contact: Dr. Tom Perille, Head of Medical Advisory Team for Due Date Too Late.
170+ Medical Professionals Endorse Proposition 115 To Restrict Late Term Abortion (Read below)
More than 130 healthcare and Life Scientist professionals in Colorado have endorsed Proposition 115 to restrict abortions after 22 weeks of gestation, which is the age when a prematurely born baby can survive on its own with proper medical care.
This coalition joins 74% of Americans who believe that Colorado’s current law of allowing abortions until the moment of birth is too extreme, and that there should be some restrictions on late term abortions.
“When cared for, these fetuses are viewed as separate and distinct patients by medical providers, receiving individualized treatment. Therefore, they should be treated as individuals by Colorado law,” says the endorsement letter.
Proposition 115 seeks to protect the life of a fetus after 22-weeks of gestation, and also to protect the mother from a dangerous and painful procedure of a late term abortion. The initiative specifies that a woman would not be penalized for having an abortion.
“We believe that there must be increased private and public support for pregnant women-in-need living in Colorado. We seek to offer strong and viable alternatives for these women,” continues the letter.
The signatories of the letter are part of an ever-growing list of healthcare professionals who endorse Proposition 115.
10/28/2020 UPDATE: The number of Healthcare and Life Scientist professionals who have endorse Proposition 115 has risen to over 170. Please see the updated letter below.

Catholic Medical Association Issues Support of Colorado Proposition 115
If passed, Prop 115 Would Prohibit Abortions After 22 weeks in the State of Colorado
Philadelphia, PA- October 19, 2020- The Catholic Medical Association today issued its full support of Colorado's Proposition 115, which would ban abortions after 22 weeks.
"Proposition 115 seeks to defend the dignity of life which is the cornerstone of our mission at Catholic Medical Association," said Dr. Michael Parker, CMA President.
Though the CMA recognizes that from the moment of conception there is scientific and medical evidence of the development of the complex human person, we are relieved to see Proposition 115 on the Colorado ballot, as it is one of seven states that permit unrestricted abortion through the third trimester.
"Supporting Proposition 115 is crucial for the dignity of the child. A 22-week baby in utero should enjoy the same legal status as a 22-week baby born prematurely," said Dr. Michelle Stanford, CMA Secretary and a practicing pediatrician in Colorado.
In addition to protecting the lives of innocent babies, CMA notes that Proposition 115 is crucial for the health and safety of expecting mothers.
"Physicians recognize that late term abortion is cruel and has the highest rate of death of any outpatient surgical procedure. The CDC established that for every additional week of gestation up to 21+ weeks, the risk of dying from abortion increased by 38%," added Dr. Stanford.
The CMA applauds any legislative attempts to protect life at all stages and we remain dedicated to upholding the dignity of life for the most vulnerable.
The Catholic Medical Association is a national, physician-led community of more than 2,300 healthcare professionals consisting of 111 local guilds. CMA mission is to inform, organize, and inspire its members, in steadfast fidelity to the teachings of the Catholic Church, to uphold the principles of the Catholic faith in the science and practice of medicine.